The Violence Against Women Act

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Please read below & call Senator Kyl’s office TODAY! The Violence Against Women Act may not even make it to the floor to be voted on or reauthorized. Please read on for more info & contact #’s & forward this to others. Your voice, your call & your passion makes a difference!!!
Thank you!

Subject: FW: Urgent Action Alert—Don’t Let VAWA Expire—Please Forward


This is incredibly important! Senator Kyl is a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee. This committee is contemplating not moving VAWA forward. We must inundate his office with calls to move VAWA forward. We must protect women and children from the ravages of domestic violence and sexual assault. Tell his office that VAWA must get to the floor, where it deserves a vote. Call his office today-(202) 224-4521. Read the e-mail alert below for more information. Thank you for your commitment! CALL TODAY!


Don’t Let VAWA Expire! Call Senate Judiciary Members Today!

September 7, 2005

The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) expires on September 30, just 23 days away! VAWA is essential Federal legislation that helps victims of domestic and dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking.

Congress has returned from its August recess and the Senate’s schedule is full with two Supreme Court vacancies and disaster relief for the survivors of hurricane Katrina. Reauthorizing VAWA is more important than ever as communities struggle to respond to sexual and domestic violence in the wake of the hurricane.

Yet the Senate is in danger of postponing work on VAWA, letting it expire and possibly ignoring it until next year!

TOMORROW (Thursday), the Senate Judiciary Committee has the opportunity to debate VAWA and vote it out of committee.&nbs p; But the Judiciary Committee will only act if they hear from their constituents that VAWA must be reauthorized now!


If you live in one of the 18 states listed below, you have a Senator on the Judiciary Committee. Please call them AS SOON AS POSSIBLE and tell them:

** Your name and the city and state you are calling from.

** “The Violence Against Women Act is critically important to communities throughout our state.”

** “Please pass VAWA out of the Judiciary Committee before it expires.”

** If you have the chance, tell the staff person why VAWA is so important to your state or to you.

Please contact Allison Randall, National Network to End Domestic Violence, at or 202-543-5566 if you have any questions.

Thank you for your time—your voices are critically important!


AL Jeff Sessions (202) 224-4124

AZ Jon Kyl (202) 224-4521

CA Dianne Feinstein (202) 224-3841

DE Joseph Biden (202) 224-5042

IA Charles Grassley (202) 224-3744

IL Richard Durbin (202) 224-2152

KS Sam Brownback (202) 224-6521

MA Edward Kennedy (202) 224-4543

NY Charles Schumer (202) 224-6542

OH Mike DeWine (202) 224-2315

OK Tom Coburn (202) 224-5754

PA Arlen Specter (202) 224-4254

SC Lindsey Graham (202) 224-5972

TX John Cornyn (202) 224-2934

UT Orrin Hatch (202) 224-5251

VT Patrick Leahy (202) 224-4242

WI Russell Feingold (202) 224-5323

WI Herb Kohl (202) 224-5653

How You Can Help

Heather Grossman's ex-husband hired a man to kill her in 1997. He was not successful in his attempt to take her life, but the gunshot wound left Heather paralyzed from the neck down. Heather was just 31 years old with three young children. During the years since the incident, Heather's family has been doing everything they can to keep her alive and well, but expenses are high, and they need as much help as they can get.

Since Heather's new website launched on September 21 with the Paypal Donation Options, Heather's family has received donations from quite a few generous people. Please take a moment to see who has donated to Heather's family so far.
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